Quest Four Sepulcher – 4S

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To enter the room of the 4 Sepulcher, each player’s party is required to have a pass …


1 – Taking the passes – you have an NPC named “Ghost of Adventure” logo in the hallway after that first big room in Imperial tomb. Talk to him take the quest “Relics of the Old Empire.” Stay killing mobs in imperial tomb, you’ll be gaining a “Broken Relic PArt” at all times and, from time to time, “Entrance Pass to the Sepulcher.” Add the maximum of possible passes (one for each is necessary that want to enter).


2 – Preparing the entry – At the end of Imperial Tomb, it in the end, has a room granda same as the first, with a ghost, “Nameless Soul”. You need to:
– A party of at least 4 members (Directors: va with more people)
– Everyone in the party being 74+
– A “Entrance Pass to the Sepulcher” to each member of the party
[Print do npc Nameless]
Everyone should talk to this Ghost in the middle of the room and pick up the quest “Four Globets” After all have to have a Pass each. While you are in this room, u hear a shout (orange speak) of 5 in five minutes in real time, which says:
“conquerors’Sepulcher Manager: Current5minute, in the past”
“conquerors’Sepulcher Manager: Current10minute, in the past”
“conquerors’Sepulcher Manager: Current45minute, in the past”
“conquerors’Sepulcher Manager: Game had ended, in the past”
“conquerors’Sepulcher Manager: the presenbt to be alowed to enter mausoleum temple
conquerors’Sepulcher Manager: Put hand on 4 big Mausoleums temples statue Then place
enters inside mausoleum temple ”
After this last great phrase, the leader of the party have 5 minutes to make guys come
3 – Entering – Around this large room has 4 large doors with a stone in front.
The leader of the Party so now have 5 minutes to give this quest on a stone in front of one of those four ports. If you have all right, guys vain to teleport inside.


4 – Inside – “Sepulcher” is a sequence of a 5 or 6 rooms separated by doors.
U appears inside the first room. In it, u will see the port where u came and another door ahead, with another stone (or NPC) on. And you will also see that this vc a very small room. U have to wait 5 minutes it inside. After five minutes, he had appeared a chest in the middle of the room.


5 – Passing through the rooms – When the leader talk to the bau, appear many mobs,
beetles, throughout the room, kill them (it’s hard lvl85x4). The goal is to pick up a key, a iten quest with these mobs. Anyone can get. When someone pick up, call the other members for the next next door and talk to the NPC. The door opened for a few seconds (I think 5/2) and then closed again. Who was behind it was to




2,3,4 .. the rooms are the same. The difference is that the bau is already in the middle of it when you enter.
Recalling that in room 3, you ging to first kill a mob called “Victim” and born “Executioner of Halisha” kill him, take the key and go to the next room.








in room 4 will be no different, so open bau soon got in the middle, was born a lot of mobs and one in particular “Halisha’s Foreman,” kill him, take the key in the bau and go to the next room






After entering the room 5 and open the bau, born some “Statue of Protection” kill them and thus was born a few mobs, especially “ARCHON of Halisha” Killing him, in the hull you are doing the quest of the third class, it drop the “Fifth Amulet” (part of the 700 mobs of Shirine), take the key and open the door




As you enter the next room, the Raid boss “Shadow of Halisha” I’ll be in the middle of the room, kill him and he dropara a glass.






Assim que entrar na proxima sala, o Raid boss “Shadow of Halisha” estara no meio da sala, mate-o e ele dropara uma taça.










So the other three rooms …

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