Raid Boss Level Low

Tiêu chuẩn

Leveling your character quickly (Raid Boss + XP)

The vast majority of players when creating your character, the main objective, Upa it as soon as possible. There are several alternatives for this, some use polers (Warlords and Destroyers), others with the help of his clan, make trawlers in Forge of the Gods, Four Sepulcres, etc.
But there is a technique in L2 H5, much more simple and effective, effective in addition to XP, give your char a great SP. This technique is simply killing Raid Bosses at lower levels using only a level 78 mage with a party to the char to be uploaded to.
What will you need:
A level 78 mage (preferably a Necromancer or Spellhowler);
Important tips:
  1. All Raid Bosses below are not aggressive, sometimes you can get a hit or another, so be careful with your HP to not die;
  2. Let the wizard level 78 and the char to be uploaded to the same party;
  3. Never hite Raid Boss with a char type of fighter or you will be petrified;
  4. Never hite with low level char in Raid Bosses;
  5. Do not use skills like nobles, heal, otherwise you will silence the Boss that lasts forever (or you change class or you die without nobles and loses all buffs);
  6. Load many potion and Soulshot Manas.
  7. Start killing Raid Bosses with the lowest levels, according to the level of char to be uploaded to. Do not kill a level 61 RB with char lvl 20 and not kill a lvl 22 RB with a lvl 60 char, but XP will not be profitable.
Raid Bosses and their respective locations (ordered by level)

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